Saturday, May 23, 2015

VSG - Complications

Hi all! In this post I will share two complications that happened to me after my vertical sleeve gastrectomy procedure.

The first one happened while I was still in the hospital. It was contact dermatitis from the blood pressure cuff that was constantly attached to me while I was in the Intensive Care Unit. The contact dermatitis only developed on December 1st, 2014 or 3 days post op. Red rash appeared on my right arm and on the right side of my chest. It was very, very itchy. The doctor has some medicines via the IV and also orally for the itch. She also gave me calamine lotion to sooth the itch. I went home with the rash still there. The itch last for about one week and now I am itch free!

Calamine lotion I was prescribed.

The second complication was an infection on one of my incisions. I noticed the infection after I went home after the stitches were pulled in the hospital on December 8, 2014.

Infection on incision above my navel.

On the evening of December 8, 2014 I went to my district hospital, Hospital Papar to do something about the infection. The medical officer there gave me a slip for daily dressing for the wound. I ended up going to the hospital for 4 days for daily dressing until the infection cleared up. It was just a minor infection so it cleared up pretty quickly.

So to anyone considering the procedure, make sure after the surgery you keep the incisions dry. Try to avoid them when you take a shower. The incisions healed up pretty quickly and I felt no pain at all when I went home from the hospital. So don't worry so much okay! 

I am among the lucky ones that never get sick from eating and drinking after the surgery. To date nearing 6 months post op I never vomited once. Only once I felt very, very uncomfortable when I suddenly have a hiccup while eating. I have to stop eating and let the food went down slowly. After that experience, I dread having another hiccup while eating. Hopefully that day won't come.

Friday, May 22, 2015

I Did It! From 5XL to an XL (or rather an L)

Hi all... Yesterday (May 21st, 2015) I have some blood tests in Hospital Queen Elizabeth. After my blood test, I went to the HQE Blood Bank to ask when can I donate my blood again after my surgery. I know that after a major surgery, blood donors must wait up to six months before being allowed to donate their blood again. The nurses there asked so many questions regarding my weight-loss journey. I was more than happy to answer all of their questions. After that they told me that I can donate my blood in early June. I just can't wait, I just have so much blood for donating hahaha.

Then from Hospital Queen Elizabeth, I went shopping for Kak Ari's items that I will ship to her in Osaka, Japan. After that its time for me to look for my new clothing in Center Point Mall, KK. I always looking for good deals on t-shirts and pants in Factory Outlet Store (F.O.S)  since I was morbidly obese because they offer "affordable" clothing for BIG people. Affordable enough because other shops sell a whole lot pricier. LARGE clothing for men doesn't come often, and when they came usually the stock finished quickly because other BIG men also want to buy as much clothing as they can.

Before going in F.O.S I kept in my mind that I will look for some 2XL t-shirts and some 38" pants. I went in the shop with those sizes in mind. Then I found one khaki pants, size 38. The price was dirt cheap RM 15 (USD 4.16). I also found another brown pants size 38 with a tag price of RM 25 (USD 6.93) and also two shorts with the same price. I was so happy when I found them because I have been wearing my size 42 pants and shorts for many months now. I used bulldog clips to make the waist smaller (I followed what was practiced by a New York city woman in Extreme Cheapskate) not that I was cheap, but my sizes dropped so fast that buying new clothes will be such a waste of money. Luckily I kept my old (I mean very, very old) clothes from before I became obese.

Then I found buy one free one t-shirt deals. The price was RM 27 (USD 7.49) for two t-shirts. I quickly selected two that just looked nice to my eyes size 2 XL. But when I looked at them, I thought they were too big for me. So I put them back down and selected XL size instead. I brought the t-shirts and pants to the fitting room to try them. I tried the khaki pants first, and it was a good two inches too large for me! Trying something larger  for my waist was very rare for me. Usually when I tried things on, they were too tight and just can't fit. I know that I don't have to try the shorts on. Then I tried the two t-shirts, to my surprise they were a bit too big for me!

So I ended up buying two t-shirts size L and two shorts size 36. I never dreamed that I can fit into these clothes. From a 5 XL t-shirt to an L, and from a size 58 waist to a 36, I'm just over the moon!

My RM 13.50 (USD 3.75)  Ocean Pacific t-shirt! Red and Grey color.

Second Ocean Pacific t-shirt (grey and black).

Ditch Plains brown shorts. RM 25 (USD 6.93). What I like about these shorts they came with  a free belt each.

Ditch Plains gray shorts.

Size 36!!!

I didn't buy a whole lot of new clothes because I'm still losing weight which means still (hopefully) losing inches. Now that I can buy "normal" size clothing, I don't have to rush buying every clothes that I see.

Monday, May 18, 2015

Bagaimana Ingin Memulakan Diet?


Apa khabar pembaca blog semua! Macam ramai la kan... perasan lebih ja aku ni hahahah! Kali ini aku ingin mengongsikan bagaimana untuk memulakan perubahan cara makan. Sebelum tu, satu perkara penting yang kamu kena ada adalah KEINGINAN UNTUK BERUBAH

Senaraikan dalam satu kertas perkara-perkara yang menyusahkan kamu, membuatkan kamu sedih, membuatkan kamu marah apabila mempunyai berat badan yang berlebihan. Antaranya mungkin kepayahan mencari pakaian, kalau ada pun mahal. Selalu dihina, dipandang sinis. Atau disindir ketika mengambil makanan. Tulis semua! Kalau kamu lihat senarai tu panjang ataupun hanya dua, kamu kena buat perubahan. Jadikan perkara-perkara negatif tadi sebagai satu dorongan. Aku tidak mahu dihina lagi! Aku tidak mahu dipandang sinis lagi! Aku tidak mahu disindir-sindir lagi! Aku juga ingin bergaya dengan pakaian cantik dan murah! Ubah perkara negatif tadi sebagai sumber kekuatan diri kamu dan pendorong untuk suatu perubahan.

Dari pengalaman aku sendiri, memang kebanyakan masa aku hanya memendam rasa kalau ada umpatan, hinaan dan sindiran. Pandangan mata yang memperlekehkan pun selalu juga nampak. Aku hanya mampu tersenyum namun dalam hati, sekelumit kecil memang terasa. Bohong la kalau kau katakan kau tidak terasa dengan semua perkara negatif tu. Namun aku jadikan mereka sebagai satu dorongan untuk berubah. Aku mahu mengubah hidup aku!

Baiklah sekarang aku akan kongsikan beberapa tips untuk memulakan diet:
  1. Tulis semua makanan dan minuman seharian dalam diari makanan.
  2. Kurangkan pengambilan makanan dan minuman secara beransur-ansur.
  3. Makan dan kunyah makanan secara perlahan.
  4. Jadikan Google rakan karib anda!

1. Tulis Semua Makanan dan Minuman Seharian Dalam Diari Makanan.

Seperti dalam post aku yang lalu mengenai Jadual Pemakanan, kita hendaklah makan sebanyak 6 kali dalam sehari. Ini contoh diari makanan aku:

Untuk memulakan Diari Makanan Harian kamu, bolehlah klik di sini. Download dan tuliskan semua makanan dan minuman kamu sepanjang satu hari. Air kosong tidak payah dimasukkan dalam diari ini. Menulis apa yang kita makan sepanjang hari merupakan langkah penting dalam mengubah gaya pemakanan kita. Kalau kita tulis semua apa yang kita makan dan minum (sebelum berdiet) dan lihat senarai yang panjang, kita akan mula melihat betapa banyaknya lebihan makanan dan minuman yang kita ambil sehari seperti contoh di bawah ni:

Sukatan jumlah adalah seperti di post ini

Kalau dalam seminggu kamu menulis semua yang kamu makan dan minum dengan diet yang sedia ada, secara automatik kamu akan rasa penat, dan bosan mau menulis lagi. Kamu akan mula sedar betapa banyaknya kalori yang kamu ambil dalam sehari. Insya Allah kamu dengan sendirinya akan cuba mengurangkan pengambilan makanan dan minuman secara berlebihan itu. Jadi lepas ni Write It UP!

2. Kurangkan Pengambilan Makanan Dan Minuman Secara Beransur-Ansur

Trend zaman sekarang ni semuanya mau cepat. Internet mau cepat, memandu cepat, kurus pun mau cepat. Perubahan diet ni sebaiknya kita lakukan secara perlahan, beransur-ansur. Tidak mungkin kan kalau kamu biasa makan nasi 2 pinggan lepas tu terus ja kamu langsung nda mau makan nasi untuk diet protein sahaja. Kalau mahu mengubah diri kamu secara menyeluruh inilah caranya; lakukan beransur-ansur!

Okey, kalau kamu biasa makan nasi mesti dua pinggan, kamu cuba kurangkan menjadi sepinggan setengah dulu. Biasakan diri makan nasi sepinggan setengah, kemudian kalau sudah biasa kurangkan kepada 1 pinggan sahaja. Kemudian kamu cuba makan 1/2 pinggan (1 cawan) nasi sahaja. Perubahan secara beransur ni merupakan suatu "conditioning", melatih nafsu makan kita agar badan kita akan menerima 1 cawan nasi adalah cukup dan mengenyangkan kita. 

Lakukan perubahan secara beransur! Gambar diambil daripada:

Begitu juga dengan minuman manis. Jika sehari kita minum 6 gelas minuman manis, kita cuba kurangkan kepada 4 gelas. Kemudian kurangkan lagi kepada 2 gelas minuman sehari. Setelah biasa, kurangkan lagi kepada 1 gelas minuman manis sahaja sehari dan lebihkan minum air putih. Untuk membuatkan kita rasa puas, bawa bekas minuman ketika ke restoran. Tuang separuh dari pesanan minuman kita ke dalam bekas dan minum di kemudian waktu. Jadi kamu pun rasa, wah aku minum dua kali la minuman ni hari ni... Sewaktu minum, hirup perlahan minuman kamu, jangan teguk dengan banyak sekaligus. Kurangkan penggunaan straw minuman kerana kita lebih cepat habiskan minuman dengan menggunakan straw. Ingat jangan sekali teguk minum tu, hirup perlahan-lahan. Sip not gulp your drinks!

Perubahan secara beransur-ansur begini adalah lebih berkesan kepada kita untuk keputusan pengurangan berat badan lebih tahan lama. Ini kerana apabila kita sudah terbiasa dengan perubahan yang kita lakukan, untuk kembali ke cara lama memang sedikit sukar. Satu contoh mudah macam kes aku sendiri; dulu memang suka buat minuman manis. Aku kurangkan penggunaan gula beransur-ansur dari 3 sudu ke 2 sudu, kemudian hanya 1 sudu. Sekarang ni jarang sangat sudah minum minuman manis. Kalau minum pun yang dipesan di restoran, order minuman "kurang manis" pun tetap terasa manis kerana lidah sudah terbiasa dengan minuman yang tawar. Jadi kesimpulannya adalah perubahan beransur-ansur lebih berkesan! Baca lebih lanjut di sini. Ingat ya... Gradually Change your eating and drinking habit.

3. Makan Dan Kunyah Makanan Secara Perlahan

Kita perlu makan secara perlahan kerana ianya mengambil masa lebih kurang 20 minit untuk otak kita menghantar isyarat bahawa kita sudah kenyang. Jadi makan secara perlahan akan memberi banyak masa kepada otak untuk menghantar isyarat kenyang. Apabila kita rasa kenyang, kita akan makan lebih sedikit berbanding kita makan dengan pantas. Kamu boleh baca lebih lanjut mengenai kebaikan makan secara perlahan tu di sini.

Dietitian aku syorkan kalau makan kita kena kunyah sekurang-kurangnya 25 kali sebelum telan. Memang dengan mengira kunyahan makan, aku dapat memperlahankan kadar makan aku dan rasa lebih kenyang. Kebanyakan orang yang makan cepat, makan dengan tangan lagi, dengan lauk sedap lagi, memang lambat rasa kenyang sebab mereka boleh menghabiskan satu hidangan dalam 5 - 10 minit. Tidak memberi peluang untuk otak menghantar isyarat bahawa mereka sudah kenyang. Mereka akan terus makan sehinggalah perut rasa penuh dan sesudah dihantar isyarat kenyang dari otak.

Diambil daripada:

Satu cara untuk memperlahankan pengambilan makanan kita adalah dengan mengubah cara kita makan. Kalau kita biasa makan guna tangan cuba tukar guna sudu. Memang sedap makan guna tangan, nasi pun boleh dikepal-kepal sebesar penumbuk masuk terus dalam mulut. Memang kita akan terlebih makan kalau begitu. Jadi kita tukar makan dengan menggunakan sudu makan. Sudah biasa makan dengan sudu makan, kita tukar lagi makan guna sudu dessert. Lebih kecil utensils yang kita guna untuk makan, lebih perlahan kita makan. Jadi kalau mau mengurangkan berat badan, Eat Slowly!

4. Jadikan Google Rakan Karib Anda!

Diambil daripada:

Dari aku mula berdiet ni memang Google lah rakan karib aku. Iyalah kita ni mana la tahu banyak pasal makanan dan kalori ni. Kecualilah kita ni memang ada belajar di kolej atau universiti pasal dietetik.

Jadi untuk mengira secara kasar jumlah kalori sesuatu makanan dan kebaikan mereka memang selalu aku Google ja. Kita boleh belajar pasal BMI, keperluan kalori individu, resepi-resepi sihat dan macam-macam lagi dalam usaha kita mencapai berat badan ideal. Google sangat-sangat membantu aku dalam pengembaraan pengurangan berat badan aku ni. Bagaimana pun pilihlah sumber di internet yang boleh dipercayai. Jangan hanya ikut membuta-tuli semua yang kita baca. Rujuk kepada mana-mana orang yang mempunyai lebih banyak pengetahuan sebelum kamu mau ikut apa-apa tips di internet ni. Sama juga apa yang aku tulis di blog ni, aku bukannya pakar pun. Aku cuma mau kongsikan pengalaman aku sendiri. Jadi boleh jadi apa yang berkesan sama aku, mungkin tidak berkesan sama kamu. Jadi pegi la Google blog lain hehehee... Just Google It!

Jadi untuk kesimpulan post kali ini;

Write It Up, Gradually Change, Eat Slow and Just Google It!

Itu ja untuk kali ni, kalau ada lagi aku mau tambah, pandai-pandailah aku edit hehehe...

Sunday, May 17, 2015

VSG - Eating Stages


In this post, I'll share the eating stages plan that my dietitian gave me. This post will be the translated version of a Malay language leaflet about sleeve gastrectomy by Jabatan Dietetik & Sajian, HRPB, November 2014.

Eating Stages After Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy

Eating Stages

Stage 1

Duration: Day one after surgery

In the hospital, the clear liquids allowed are only water and ice chips.

When do I need to start clear liquid diet?
  • After your surgeon gave the permission.

Stage 2: Clear Liquid Diet

Duration: Week one after surgery

What kind of liquid can I drink?
  • Water.
  • Juice (strained, no sugar added).
  • Clear soup.
  • Decaffeinated coffee and tea.

Tips for Stage 1 and Stage 2:
  • You must start the liquid diet in small quantities, 20 - 30 ml each time every 10 to 15 minutes.
  • A 30 ml cup can be used.
  • You are encouraged to drink at least 1.5 liters of water in a day.
  • Measure your drinking liquid for a day in 1 liter or 1.5 liters water bottles.
  • You need to drink in a very slow pace  because if you gulp or drink quickly, it may cause pain or making you nauseated.
  • You are NOT encouraged to drink with a drinking straw.
  • You can drink the clear liquids warm, cold or in room temperature.

Stage 3: Full Liquid Diet

Duration: 2 weeks (Week 2 and Week 3 after surgery)

Example of menu (600 kcal/day, 73 g protein)

Example of  a full liquid diet menu

These were the products that I used on my full liquid diet;
Supplement with fiber: Abbott's Glucerna Triple Care

Protein powder: Valens' Myotein

Glucerna tasted sweet with vanilla flavor which was a total life savior. The protein powder was nauseating at first but tolerable after few days drinking it.

So what other liquid can you have in this stage?
  • Milk (low fat/ fat free/ skim)
  • Unsweetened soy milk
  • Yogurt (< 25 g sugar per serving)
  • Thick tomato soup

Tips for Stage 3:
  • Protein powder is important in this stage.
  • The total liquid intake per day still the same, at least 1.5 liters (including plain water and other liquids).
  • Plan your daily liquid intake from the morning to the night.

Stage 4: Blended/Pureed Diet

Duration: 3 weeks (Week 4 to Week 6 after surgery).

Example of menu (800 kcal/day, 70 g protein)

Example of a blended/pureed diet

What else can you eat in this stage?
  • Mashed fruits and vegetables.
  • Half boiled egg / steamed egg.
  • Douhua (with no sugar syrup) / steam tofu.
  • Shredded chicken.

Tips for Stage 4:
  • Food quantity should be started with 1 - 2 tablespoon (15 - 30 g) each meal.
  • Plain water should be drank 30 minutes before eating and 1 and a half hour after.
  • Avoid water, juice and soup while eating.
  • Plan your daily intake of liquids from morning (for example 30 ml every 10 minutes x 6 times in a  hour) x 5 hours = 900 ml water.

Stage 5: Soft Diet

Duration: 6 weeks (Week 7 to Week 12 after surgery).

Example of menu (1,000 kcal/day, 80 g protein)

Example of a soft diet.

* 1 piece of raw fish       = 100 - 120 g
* 1 piece of raw chicken = 150 - 180 g
* Oil usage in cooking should be reduced (only 3 teaspoons a day)
* Recommended types of oil: olive oil, sunflower oil, soybean oil and corn oil.
* Low fat cooking method highly encouraged.

Tips for Stage 5:

  • Eat starting with protein (first), then vegetables and fruit (second) and lastly carbohydrate (third). 
  • Finish your protein first before having other food.
  • Eat and chew slowly (at least 25 times before you swallow).
  • Eat in small portion but frequently (5 - 6 times a day).
  • STOP eating when you feel full. Do not test your stomach ability by finishing up all the food on the plate.
  • AVOID sweet drinks and foods.
  • AVOID eating and drinking at the same time.
  • Take your multivitamins daily.
  • Avoid hard to digest food like oats, nuts, mushrooms, beef, lamb at the beginning.
  • Continue the daily liquid intake of 1.5 liters a day.

Stage 6: Normal Diet

Week 13 (Month 4) after surgery onward.

Example of menu (1,000 kcals/day, 60 g protein)

Example of a normal diet.

Tips for Stage 6:
  • Eat more solid food.
  • Choose healthy food (satisfying but low in calories).
  • Eat your protein first, then your carbohydrate.
  • Avoid sweet food and drinks (that could cause abdominal pain, cramping and dumping syndrome).
  • Avoid carbonated and alcoholic drinks.
  • Avoid fried foods.
  • Stop eating when you feel full to avoid your stomach pouch expanding.  

Thursday, May 14, 2015

VSG - My Journey 3 (Route to Recovery)


In this post I will share my route to recovery. For the story of the start of my weight-loss journey click here and for the journey of my surgery, click here.

On November 28, 2014 I had laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy. The surgery itself was only two hours (9.00 a.m. to 11.00 a.m.). When I woke up, I was being wheeled into the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) for recovery. I was placed on Bed 5, next to a window. Still felt a little bit woozy from the anesthesia. The intubation tube  was still attached to my throat which was very uncomfortable. Made me want to gag all the time. When my nurse came to me, I signaled to her (because I couldn't speak with the tube attached) to pull the tube out. "Okay, we'll pull it out, just wait a minute." And she went away. When she came back, I signaled to her the tube again. Ha ha ha I was so pushy that time (I was drugged okay!). When they finally pulled the tube out I was so relieved. I heard the nurses said to each other, "He recovered so fast! He just came from the OT."

I afterward realized they have attached a catheter (be advised, link contains pictures of male sex organ) to me to collect urine from the bladder. I also have a drain on the left side of my stomach. I have my compression sock on and given intermittent pneumatic compression. They checked my blood pressure and oxygen level all the time. They also have attached wires to monitor my heart rate. I don't really feel much pain, maybe because of the anesthesia. I was slowly feeling the pain, but the pain was not that unbearable. Breathing in making me felt some pain, so the oxygen mask was a real savior.

In recovery. The bottle on the bottom of the picture was to collect fluid from the drain.

Only at about 3.30 p.m., my family members were allowed to come into the ICU. Abang Irman was the first one who visited me. And then Ben followed by Kak Afizah, Abang Surahman and kids.

Me with kak Afizah in the Intensive Care Unit recovering from the surgery (5 p.m.)

Woozy but I'm okay!

A physiotherapist came to teach me some light exercises that can be done in bed. Most of the time there I just sleep, no drinking and eating at all and yet I was not thirsty nor hungry. I stayed in the ICU overnight and in the evening of November 29, I was brought back to Kenanga 7B Ward, Bed 31. My nephew Asyran was there waiting for me. He took care of me there.

One day post-op (Nov 29, 2014) with Haziq and Sajjad.

I was feeling much better, the pain was minimal. However breathing by myself was quite hard because when I breath in, I felt a little bit pain in my stomach. I needed oxygen mask for the whole night. I can't lay flat and I was only feeling comfortable sitting and sleeping like in the above picture. I don't have much sleep because the nurse always checked me every hour. In the morning of November 30, I saw my incisions for the first time when the doctor opened up the bandages, cleaned the incisions a bit and sprayed some glue.

5 small incisions all together. One over the belly button (censored for aurat) and one for drain.

Surgical drain to remove blood and other fluid from wound.

The doctors constantly asked me to go walk around to minimized the risk of blood clot. I am more than happy to oblige. The first time I went down the bed I did it slowly. Been laying  in a long time make us feel light-headed. The drain and catheter really making walking quite uncomfortable.The first time I got up, I went to the bathroom washed my face, brushed my teeth, shampooed my hair and wiped my body. Felt so refreshed afterward.

Me, first time walking around after surgery (November 30, 2014)

The nurses and doctors always track the liquid collected from the drain and urine from the catheter. Not yet drinking, a lot of urine still came out maybe because of the constant iv drip on me. On December 1st, 2014 I have my very first drink: a contrast mix with orange flavored juice for oral contrast study to look for any leakage which I have none, thank God! However drinking the liquid really filled me up quickly. My stomach pouch really felt full.

Back in the ward, I have my first drink of water at 6.30 p.m. Sipping just 20 ml of water filled me up. I was told to drink every 15 minutes but I just can't do it. I only drank 40 ml of water that day and it was for me to have some crushed pills. I walked more all around the room. The pain almost  all gone now. Only the drain and catheter making me uncomfortable. 

December 2nd, 2014, I felt really good. No more pain. I can walk a whole lot further along the Kenanga 7B corridor. Four days after surgery I defecated for the first time. It felt really good... In the afternoon, two doctors came to pull out my catheter. Oh what a relief! In the evening, Dr Siti informed me that I was good enough to be discharged. I was so happy hearing that. Then one doctor came to manage my discharge out of the hospital another one came to pull out the drain. When the drain was pulled out I felt so free, no more discomfort in my stomach. A nurse then came to pull out the drip needle that were just put in, in the afternoon. 

While waiting for all the documentations and appointments were set up, I cleaned up my things ready to check out.

All of my things from the day I was admitted.

A nurse then came in and gave me a drug prescription and also hospital bills to settle. I then went to take the drugs from the Pharmacy at the Ground Floor. Then went to  Unit Hasil (Revenue Unit) to "pay" my bills. My out of pocket expense were a mere RM 0.20 (USD 0.06) for a photocopy of my blood donor book. I gave the copied page of my blood donor book to the women in Unit Hasil and that was it. My bills were all settled! That is the privilege of blood donors in Malaysia, we'll get free healthcare and hospital stays. 

Then I went back up to Level 7, went back to my room and told the nurse that I have "settled" the bills and took my prescriptions from the pharmacy. Then I just stayed in my room, waiting for abang Irman to come and send me back home. The nurse gave me my appointment book and said good luck!

I was so happy going back home after staying 2 weeks in the hospital (10 days of pre op preparation and 4 days after my surgery). A pillow is very important for us after the gastric sleeve surgery. You must place it over your stomach on your way home so that you can minimize the shaking from bumps on the road. I was glad that I read the suggestion from a member in Gastric Sleeve Support Group in Facebook about the pillow. It really helped!

Me arriving home at night (December 2nd, 2014)

Thank you Allah for a safe surgery. Thank you to Dr Siti for your great skill. Thank you to my family members and friends for the support. Thank you to all the doctors, nurses, dietitians, physiotherapists, pharmacist, and all that made my journey of weight-loss surgery a success!

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

VSG - My Journey 2 (The Surgery)


For readers that missed the first part, here's the link. Okay lets continue with my journey to surgery. Days leading to my surgery many of my family members came to visit which was a pleasant surprise where I always stressed that I was okay by my own, not that I was bed bound. Thanks to all of you who have came to visit me here :)

Top left: Pakcik Ajamain and Bongsu Rosnah; Top Right: Irzan right before his flight to KL; Bottom left: Anam and Azam (abang Irman's son - they always came) and Bottom Right: Kak Amy

I don't go through liquid diet as other people in other countries. My diet was pretty much normal but strictly 800 kcal per day. The hospital prepared everything that I drank and ate from the day I was admitted (November 19, 2014) up until the day before my surgery. Thank you to my lovely dietitian (Ms. Beh) that always hear my wishes in term of food. This was my last dinner on November 27, 2014;

Curry fish with stewed eggplant with plain oat.

After dinner, I was asked to bath with a special soap (I don't know what it was called, clear pink in color). I then were told to start fasting (no drinking and eating) from 12 midnight of November 28. I wrote a letter (a will if you will) to myself, my family and friends. Having no one besides me really making me miss my late mom more. IV drip was connected when I started fasting so that the veins keep open in preparation for the surgery. I don't have a very good sleep, just having too much things going through my mind.

And the morning of my surgery came. I was asked to bath with the special soap again. After shower I was asked to put on hospital gown. I was all alone because abang Irman was in Lingkungan, Beaufort for his in-law's kenduri (thanksgiving). The evening before, one doctor told me that my surgery was the third one in the morning so I thought I can still meet up with my family members before going to the operation theater. And to my surprise, I was the first one up! I really don't have any time to say goodbye because the nurse asked me to turned off my phone. I told her I need to send one whatsapp message to my family: "Mau masuk dewan bedah sudah aku... Bah doakan ya..." (I'm going to the operation theater... Pray for me). Reading that message again really stirred something in my heart. How lonely was I that time... After sending the message, I turned my phone off and gave it and my wallet to the nurse for safe keeping. I found out afterward that my family members rushed to the hospital after receiving my message.

Me on admission day Vs. Me on surgery day

I was wheeled to the operation theater on 2nd floor using a stretcher. I forgot to mention that we must signed several papers leading to surgery; consent document for the surgeon, consent document for the anesthesiologist, paper of safe keeping our belongings and document of confirming who we are in the operation theater holding room. My surgery weight was 130.5 kg (287.7 lbs) which means I have lost a total of 41.6 kg (91.7 lbs) since the start of my weight-lost journey in October 14, 2013.

I was quite nervous  while waiting before being wheeled into the operation theater. I kept praying to God for a safe operation ahead. Then the time came, and I was wheeled in. The operation theater was large with a lot of people inside, they all were preparing for the surgery. There were doctors, nurses, anesthesiologists and maybe documentation team to record the surgery. When I laid on the operation table, so much thing were happening all around me. Some people were adjusting the TV monitor, some were attaching wires all over and some were just standing there being ready. They made me as comfortable as possible and the anesthesiologist checked my mouth and neck for a clear airway. They said all clear and don't have to put in breathing tube while I am awake. What a relief!!! After a small chit chat, the anesthesiologist told me; "Now we'll put you to sleep", showed me the syringe, and I thought like in the TV show I would be asked to count backward but no such thing, and then BLANK! The drug worked so fast that I just went to sleep.



My stomach was filled with gas so that the surgery can be done

Dr Siti and her colleagues performing my surgery

My stomach pouch is being stapled

Pulling out the removed stomach pouch

The removed stomach pouch. Looks like a sausage.

Alhamdulillah, my surgery went so well. My surgery started at 9 a.m. and ended at 11 a.m. Only two hours to do the procedure. My doctor told me and my family in the recovery unit that my liver shrunk so much that the operation was so easy to do. Thank you Dr Siti for your dedication to me. Only God can repay all the help that you have given me.

To be continued...

Panduan Nilai Kalori 200 Jenis Makanan

Kali ini aku ingin kongsikan senarai kalori 200 jenis makanan seperti yang tertulis dalam Panduan Nilai Kalori 200 Jenis Makanan terbitan Bahagian Pemakanan Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia. Aku harap ianya dapat menjadi rujukan kepada semua. Post kali ini aku memang malas mau taip semula, banyak sangat mau taip. Ambil gambar pun mereng2 semua, jadi mereng2 la kamu membaca ah... hehehe..

A. Kuih Muih Tradisional (berasaskan tepung beras)

B. Kuih Muih Tradisional (berasaskan tepung gandum)

C. Kuih Muih Tradisional (lain-lain)

D. Masakan Masak (berasaskan bijirin)

E. Masakan Masak (lauk-pauk)

F. Masakan Masak (bubur dan pengat)

Selepas ni kalau pergi makan di luar, beli-beli di pasar malam, pasar tani atau di tamu dan juga ketika mencari juadah berbuka puasa bolehlah rujuk blog ni dulu. Banding-bandingkan kalori makanan yang kamu mau makan dengan jumlah maksimum kalori harian kamu. Selamat menjamu selera!!!